Thursday, March 17, 2016

Moving In

We moved in to the new house on February 25th. The big kids were at Papaw and Mamaw's from Thursday until Saturday afternoon, which was incredible. The entire time we were moving, I kept thinking we could not have done it with kids underfoot!

Our great babysitter came and played with Zeke and cared for him while we moved. Jared and the movers started just after lunch and had all the furniture and boxed items moved by about 8:30 pm. It was a long but successful day!

I set up a play area up in the boys' bedroom. Zeke was checking out the view the first morning there.

View from the boys' room.

We took a trip to Lowe's before the kids came back Saturday. It's so weird being out with just one kid! It's also funny when people ask if Zeke is our first. The shock factor is definitely there when we say "fourth". Ha!

Not too sure about all this activity:

First meal at the new house all together! Someone was a little excited. :)

Arabelle was most excited, I think. She came running in the house and looking all over. She ran to Jared's leather recliner and said, "Daddy's chair is brown!!!". I asked her what color she thought it was and she said black. Ha! All the natural light in the living/kitchen area made our old furniture look really different (and dirty....ha!).

Mae checking her view:

She loves sitting up front in the car when we drive over to Sambo and Leigh Leigh's. She'll ask "we not going on the road?" and get so excited to find out she doesn't have to sit in the car seat.

Mae was in the crib at the old house, so the move to the new house also brought the transition to a twin bed. I was really worried because Mae tends to push the limits, but she has done really well! She is even napping most days on her bed (and just 'rests' the other times). Every morning she comes to our room when the clock turns green and says "I didn't get up!!"

First morning at the new house:

My closet is still a mess because every time I have the opportunity to get it straightened up, Zeke is sleeping in there. I am hoping to move him up to the boys' room next week. He still wakes once a night, so I have to get the baby monitor set up, but Bo is asking to have him up there with him.

Grandma Shelby came the Monday morning after we moved to help out and it was AMAZING! She helped unpack, cooked, cleaned, played with the kids, etc. I'm sure she slept really well on Tuesday night when she got back home! The kids loved having her here so much!

One of my favorite parts of the day is watching Arabelle and Bo zoom to the mailbox on their bikes to check the mail. They quickly figured out to tuck the mail in their waistband and tuck their shirt in over it to carry the mail back home. :)

We are loving life at the new house! 

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