Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas 2014, part 2

Christmas Eve was a busy and FUN day (except the ending....).

I snapped a few pictures at the beginning of the gift opening at Sambo and Leigh Leigh's, then it got chaotic and I didn't want my camera to break, so I put it away. Ha!

Bo had a little trouble when his name wasn't called first for a present. ;)

 This is about where things got wild...paper was flying, Mae lost her shirt, etc.

Ninja Turtle!

It had rained and rained and rained and finally stopped that Wed. afternoon. After Mae took her nap and the big kids played with their new toys, we went splashing! It was plenty warm for them to get wet.

Arabelle wanted to be sure to have her picture with Jared so everyone would know he was with us that day. :)

Mae had the funniest expression when Bo got his bike stuck in the puddle so he could make the water spray out behind him. We laughed and laughed!

Jared took us on a tour of his favorite puddles from when he was a kid. Arabelle was riding her bike across this ditch and she didn't quite make it up the other side.

Think Arabelle was having fun??

Mae just seemed confused.

Heading back home....

Christmas Eve night, I made Arabelle's favorite for supper (chili) and let Bo eat his favorite, a PBJ sandwich. We had planned ride around and look at Christmas lights just after 6pm. The big kids went to get shoes off the back porch and I was putting some Christmas cookies in baggies while Jared got changed when we heard the slam and scream. Bo accidentally slammed Arabelle's pinky finger in the door and she must have yanked her hand out and left the fingertip hanging (I'll spare you the picture). So, we spent a couple of hours in the ER having it glued back on, looked at some lights, and came home to crash! 

So, the day didn't end quite how we planned (Christmas lights, cookies, hot chocolate and the Christmas story), but we survived! 

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