Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Yesterday was a pretty lazy day for us. As nice as it is to have places to go, people to see, and things to do on the weekends, a weekend at home is welcomed! It's Arabelle's turn to take snacks to school tomorrow, so we baked some sugar cookies. Well, I baked and Arabelle ate the dough. :) We also had a sprinkle spill, which Arabelle gladly helped clean up. 

Checking on the cookies

Oops! Spilled the sprinkles

Yes, that is a potty chair in the kitchen. We use it as a step stool now. :)


  1. You know where our potty is at the moment? Um yeah, it is by the front door. Noah used it one time as a stepstool to lock the door and it got pushed up against the bakers rack in the entry and I keep forgetting it is there, LOL

    Family Friendly Frugality

  2. I usually put the potty back in the bathroom, but it always makes it's way back to the kitchen. At least it's clean!
