Sunday, February 7, 2016

Mini Moments

I'm so behind....AGAIN! Things have been a little crazy. Last weekend, I had an awful cold and non stop coughing, then woke up on Sunday morning with mastitis. Thanks to Mamaw, Papaw, and Sambo, the kids had a fun day and I rested a lot and then our awesome baby sitter helped me on Monday and Tuesday (note to self, do not try to have 4 kids alone when you're still sick....Monday evening was ROUGH!). 

We have been doing school between packing here and there. Hopefully the move is later this week!

Here's a little of what we've been up to:

Bo likes to help with laundry and shut himself in the dryer. I think I have a picture of him in there as a young toddler. 

Mae likes to wear 'footie PJs' like Zeke. :)

Zeke's hair is pretty fun after a bath. This reminds me of a hairstyle of Aunt Dawn's that's on the wall at Grandpa and Grandma's. Haha!

Two Wednesdays ago, the kids came home with these mugs that said 'Jesus Love' and each had their name. The girls had colored their's and drawn flowers, etc. Bo simply corrected the statement and wrote "Jesus Loves Everyone". Cracked me up!

Some mornings I get on up and put supper in the crock pot early, before the kids are all going. One morning Mae was peeling an onion before 7am. Thought that was funny and she did a good job!

I drove Mae to preschool one day when Jared had to work out of town, so we obviously HAD to go early and have a doughnut for breakfast. :)

One night we were popping popcorn on the stove and Mae realized she could see herself in the reflection on the pot. She was making the funniest faces at herself!

Dirt mountain beside the new house!

Monday afternoon, I went about 6 hours without a fever, so I assumed I was better, then Monday night it spiked again and I was left with no child care help on Tue morning. Fortunately, Mae's preschool allowed her to stay that day, even though it wasn't her usual day. She just HAD to help me eat a few Cherrios before she left. Another hint....if a man shows up at preschool with a baby and toddler and asks them to PLEASE take the toddler, they will. :)

Arabelle and Bo were SO helpful on Tuesday! My goal was to stay in bed and rest (I'm bad at that) the entire time that Zeke napped, so they took turns reading to me while the other did chores. Arabelle cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom and Bo used Mae's shopping cart to collect all the dirty clothes and started a load for me (with lots of verbal instructions). Arabelle also folded some clothes and Bo helped change the sheets later.

I also remembered for some math!

One day Zeke took a really long nap and I had to wake him up. He was so sweet looking that I had to get a picture. :)

I was better enough by Wednesday to go to the store for groceries because we were LOW on everything. I rarely take all 4, especially at lunch time, but it had to be done. They did really well, except I caught Mae eating the grapes out of the bags. She just said, "But I hungry!". Ha! Never mind that I had packed her a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich that she had in the car with her milk before shopping.


Thursday was a rainy day, so we did an umbrella craft.

Then we had to have a picnic lunch on the floor because......

The nomads had taken over the dining room:

We got out that afternoon to enjoy the puddles one last time before we move. Mae can finally pedal her tricycle! Here's a short video.

 Bo really enjoyed riding his bike through the puddles this time. Here's a few videos of them in action:
#2, Bo is always crashing his bike into stuff. I wish I had a video of him hitting the neighbor's trash can because we all saw in coming and it still happened.
#3 Arabelle loves riding through the puddles too

Arabelle also made a video of me jumping in the puddles and she narrated, but I'm saving myself the embarrassment.

Now it's boxes and packing for the week! 

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