Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Haiti Mission Trip, Day 4

Tuesday morning, we felt a little more organized and ready for a large number of kids! Good thing because we went from 150 kids on Monday to 235 on Tuesday!

Tuesday we talked about LOVE and LIFE. We doubled up on the lessons on Tuesday. The kids really did well Tuesday morning with their listening. Much better than Monday!

Large blocks of ice on the sidewalks while we were riding to the church.

Bring on the kids!

The kids there had never played thumb war either! This is Jean Eldon, the pastor's son. He's 16 and wants to be an engineer because "Haitians don't know how to build houses." haha! He was one of the translators and went up to the mountains with us.

This girl in is Adelyn. I assume she didn't go to school because she knew no English. She just grinned really big and held my hand a lot. :) The last day, she gave me a piece of paper that she had written on. One of the boys translated it for me and it said "I love Americans, I love you, and I want to go home with you." That will break your heart.

Red-rover with the oldest group.

Jared trying to get my kids organized for recreation. It was a lost cause that day.

This little girl was my other buddy. She lived right behind the church, so if we were there, she was there. :) She looked to be around 8 years old. She had a prosthetic right leg. She had been badly burned and of course, it got badly infected. She was flown to the States by some group for surgery and nearly died in the airport. What a sweet girl!

I also realized we don't have any pictures of snack time because it was SO chaotic! We had a 5 gallon jug of kool-aid each day and some crackers/cookies that we bought there. It was a bit difficult to get them sitting and waiting for theirs, but it worked out. 

Tuesday, Pastor Accilien's wife prepared another traditional Haitian meal for us. They called it a vegetable stew...I looked it up and it's called Legume, Haitian beef and vegetable stew (found a recipe!). Accilien apologetic about what was being served, but it was delicious!! Apparently Legume is a common meal there in the city and nothing 'special'. 

On the way back from VBS that day, Jared and I took our turn in the back of the truck (it was a small 4 door pick-up truck, so 2 in the back going to and from the guest house). We got to the traffic circle in the middle of town and got stuck! No one was moving around the circle. No one follows any kind of traffic rules...if there's a hole, they honk the horn and shoot through. We sat for so long that we had to break out the sunscreen! 

It was another great day in Haiti!

1 comment:

  1. I love Jared's expression in that pic!

    That's the sweetest note ever. My heart would have melted! Would have been hard leaving her behind!
