Yesterday was Arabelle's 3rd birthday and I wanted to make it special. As you know, we had Bo and Arabelle's birthday together last month, so I wanted to be sure that her actual birthday was just as fun!
We started on Monday with a birthday party at Arabelle's "school". Bo was looking so grown up in his blue jeans! Arabelle was so proud to have Bo at her school. She told me that I could leave him there because they have a stroller (a doll stroller). :) She requested a blue Mickey Mouse cake and that's what she got! I told them I needed a cake for 20 kids and they must have thought the kids would be really hungry because the cake was huge!
This little boy blew her candles out! She didn't mind a bit though. :P |
She woke up Tuesday and called me (she still doesn't get out of bed without one of us in the mornings!). Bo and I went in with the camera and sang "Happy Birthday" as we went in. After I sang she said "Is I three!?".
I had her big birthday present set up in the dining/play room and she was so excited! Here she is walking down the hall to see her surprise.
It's a doll house! She really surprised me and kept asking Bo to play with her. She was fine with him moving the furniture, etc around. She loves it!
After we had breakfast and played a while, she got dressed in her birthday t-shirt from her Leigh Leigh. I took her to Walmart to use her birthday gift card from Aunt Kay & Uncle Gary. I was so curious to see what she would choose! She looked at a few things and then chose this princess keyboard. I kept showing her a few other things and she'd say "ooooh, I like that! But I want this", so that was it! Bo had his birthday gift card too and he got a big ball that he'd been "uuuuhhhhhh, ohhhhhh-ing" at every time we walked by and a couple of books.
After more playing, lunch, & naps/rest, she had another present to open from our friend Nancy. She opened it and said "A computer!!!". She loves it and was doing some "homework" on it last night.
Then it was cake time! Notice, we had to put Mickey back on her slice of cake. :)
Next, was gymnastics! She always looks forward to Tuesday afternoon gymnastics. She wanted to wear her birthday shirt over the usual outfit and they sang "Happy Birthday" to her.
After gymnastics, I took her to the library to pick out a couple of books, then she chose what she wanted for supper. I was happy that she chose Danny's! We had salad and pizza, which made for 2 happy kids (and a happy Mama!). :)
I think it was a great third birthday for Arabelle!