It's amazing how fast and slow a month can go by! It's already hard to imagine what it was like before Mae was a part of our family.
For the first couple of weeks, Bo seemed to forget about her, but now he is always telling me "Don't forget Mae" when we are heading out the door. Arabelle, of course, still always wants to hold her.
- Mae is nursing pretty much every 3 hours during the day, except for the evenings, when I'll nurse her every 2 hours. She's fussier in the evenings and it settles her, plus I try to tank her up for the night. The milk comes out a bit too fast for her still, so she ends up gulping a lot of air in and is a pretty gassy baby. I am always burping her or bicycling her legs to help ease her tummy pain. She can make some pretty loud noises. ;) We give her gas drops and Gripe Water often to help. She gets a belly full in about 10-15 minutes, with a burp break in there.
- She's sleeping between 3.5-5 hour stretches at night. Usually the longer stretch first, then a bit of a shorter one (3.5-4 hours). She's feeding 2x during the night right now. She usually goes to sleep around 9:00, sometimes earlier and sometimes later and starts her day at 7:30.
- We are following the eat, play, sleep routine. Naps are a bit all over the place. Her awake time is around 40-60 minutes and she falls asleep quickly, but 5-10 minutes later, her eyes pop open like she's taken a 2 hour nap. I spend a lot of time trying to get her naps extended. She sleeps swaddled and would sleep really well if I'd hold her the whole time. ;) She's still sleeping in our room for now.
- She's in a size 1 diaper and 3 mo. clothes. I bet she's around 11-11.5 pounds now. She's chubbing up!
- This week, she has started focusing on things more, like her toys on the play mat, the ceiling fan, and people's faces. She definitely still has her startle reflex. Bo tends to test that out daily. ;)
- She doesn't mind a few minutes of tummy time, but gets tired of it pretty quickly. When she's over it, she pushes up really high and screams. Good practice on her arm strength!
- She's given me a few smiles the last couple of days, which I love, especially at 2am. :)

Sunday afternoon, I laid Mae on the pillow to go get her swaddle blanket for her nap. She dozed off a few minutes with Daddy. :)
Pushing up strong!
Mae is definitely in her first "
Wonder Week".
New sensations bombard your baby inside and out, and he is usually bewildered by them. Some of these new things have to do with the development of his internal organs and his metabolism. Others are a result of his increased alertness—his senses are more sensitive than they were immediately after birth. So it is not so much the sensations themselves that are changing, but rather the baby’s perceptions of them.
We love the Miracle Blanket.
Baby toes!
I plan to take her picture each month in this chair with her quilt Aunt Kay made for her (Isn't it beautiful!?). I love looking back at Arabelle and Bo's monthly pictures and I know I'll enjoy it with Mae too.
Mae has grown and changed so much in one short month! I think we're all enjoying her cuddles and looking forward to watching her grow!