Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Things

The kids received SO many nice and fun things for their birthdays! Part of me feels guilty, especially after spending a week in Haiti this summer. The Lord has blessed us with SO MUCH to be thankful for.

Arabelle and Bo have been enjoying all their new toys, clothes, and shoes!

New shoes and ready for school on Monday! Arabelle is also holding Bo's new Mickey and phone.

New soccer ball! Arabelle is very careful to not leave it outside in the heat. We learned earlier this summer that soccer balls will pop if they get too hot!

We went and used some birthday money to get her cleats and shin guards for soccer.

She said, "Take one more!" and made this funny face. :)

New bag and chair!

You can see the road rug under the chair in this one. Both Bo and Arabelle enjoy driving cars, setting up people, etc.

If you're gift isn't pictured, it doesn't mean it's not being enjoyed! Contrary to popular belief, I don't carry my camera around *all* the time. :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Birthday Party, Round 2

We had rented the water slide for the weekend, so we had a mini-party on Sunday afternoon! It helped us finish up the pizza too. :)

Bo had to try out the wheelbarrow.

 Taking all 4 girls down the slide....Gigi, Rhianna, Arabelle, and Harleigh

And a BIG splash!

Bo's turn!

Pizza time

They came to pick up the slide Monday while we were eating lunch. I told Arabelle they were out there getting it and she said, "Awww, I hoped they'd forget!". :)

We did the same thing last year. :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Arabelle and Bo's Birthday Party, 2012

We had such a fun birthday party for the kids last year that we decided to do it all over again this year!

Bo was 2 on August 20th and Arabelle will be 4 on September 20th. This past weekend was the best one for us to have the party for the both of them. It's just so much easier to have one BIG party and it's so much FUN!

We had the same big water slide, little pools, pizza, fruit, cheetos, tea, lemonade, capri suns, and water......TONS of fun!

Arabelle was SO excited. She woke up and asked "Am I 4 now!?". I told her it wasn't her birthday yet, but she could pretend she was 4 that day. She replied by dancing around and singing, "I'm four! I'm four!". :)

Caleb and Papaw

Arabelle and her BFF, Breana

See how excited!!

Ready to slide!

 The pool part was still filling up at this point, so they had quite the drop off there at the end!

Tripp and Papa watching the sliders.



 Connie, Bo, and Grandpa

So glad the Davis' made it! Grant, Mary, & Reagan; Julee Brooke

Anderson and Isaiah arrived and were checking out the slide.

Bo had not been feeling well (cold + teething), but was happy to play in the pool a little with Papaw.

Time to eat!

Tripp and Papa

Caleb cruising on the car.

Sarah, Gigi, and Rhianna

Still SUPER excited!

Jared, Steven, and Papaw....deep in conversation.

Picnic party!

Breana, Arabelle, Caleb, and Michelle

Braden (Breana's brother)

Cupcake time! We had a Mickey Mouse themed party, so I just made red velvet cupcakes and topped them with "Mickey ears" using mini oreos.

Bo is obsessed with candles. Both of them are really, as you can see from the next 2 pictures.

This one cracks me up. I had to tell Arabelle to move her head back and Bo is just staring at his candles.

Bo needed a little help.

I'm not sure how many cupcakes Arabelle ate. At least 2!

Seth and Eli, more of Bo's buddies!

Michelle and Caleb. Caleb LOVED the sand table! His Mama got the hint and he's getting one at his house soon!

Grandma and Lindsey

Taking Bo down the slide.

Love his face on this one!

Aunt Dawn and Caleb

Bo loved splashing in the 'big pool'.

Mamaw pulling Caleb and Isaiah in the wagon.

Anderson's turn to slide!

Bo was starting to wear out and Ms Sue helped him warm up and rest a few minutes.

Taking the girls down the slide. I think I maxed out at 4 passengers a few times. We were going FAST!

Steven and Isaiah

Bo kept going to the table, pointing at the present table, and saying "My birthday party??". It's like he thought it wasn't a party until he opened presents!

Can you tell who took pictures for me? Lindsey got several cute shots of Caleb!

Bo is out of focus here, but he LOVED his big Mickey from Mamaw and Papaw! I didn't know what they got him and when I saw it was Mickey, I turned to Lindsey to be sure she was capturing the moment!

Arabelle got a little wheelbarrow from Sambo and Leigh Leigh, so Jared had to put it together right away!

At this point, Bo was wiped out and ready for a nap.

Isaiah was ready to slide some more!

Lindsey (due end of Nov.) and Jill (due end of Sept)--2 new nephews on the way!

Arabelle was SO excited when Mamaw got on the slide with her!

Sambo checking out Bo's foot for him.

Handsome husband! ;)

Phew! That was a lot of pictures! I narrowed them down to these out of 329 pictures. ;)

We had a wonderful day! Thanks to all who came and shared in our celebration of Bo and Arabelle's birthday!