Arabelle and I had a little "girl time" this morning. If you don't know, Bo is a 40 minute napper. Very rarely he sleeps longer than that. It's fun, let me tell you.....and he only will take 2 naps a day! (He does go to bed VERY early, so it all evens out, I guess.)
Anyway, yesterday was a trying day. The terrible 2s have entered our house 6 mo. late, it seems. I decided that during his first nap, we'd do whatever Arabelle wanted. First, we watched a little Handy Manny. She wanted to sit in Jared's recliner and cover up with a blanket. She wanted to wear just her underwear, I kept on my PJ's...ha! Then, she wanted to help me get dressed. While I was washing my face/brushing teeth, she wanted to play in my makeup bag. There is stuff in there than I haven't used in who knows how long (or ever when you see the red lipstick!). We had a fun time. :)
I know this is a lot of pictures, but I love them all!
I think this is my favorite. :) |
Checking herself out |
Aunt Kay made this outfit for Arabelle last year (it's reversible....the other side is a birthday design that she wears to BD parties). I'm so glad it still fits! |
After Bo's nap, we headed out to Wheeler Park. All 3 of us are glad it has warmed up!
On the "Big Slide" |
Arabelle was at the top and was looking out the other way, towards the tennis courts. She kept saying "there's a mouse!". I asked if it was a squirrel and said I didn't think there would be a mouse over there. She insisted it was a mouse. A few minutes later, I see a Chihuahua running across the park. About the same time Arabelle says "There's the mouse!". Ha!!!! I told her it was just a little dog, not a mouse and she said "oh". ;)
On Thursdays, we have our lunch date with Jared. Bo sure did enjoy the pickle I gave him!
Whew...that was long!